Author Topic: Ardens Cranial Restructuring Journal  (Read 543 times)


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Re: Ardens Cranial Restructuring Journal
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:03:36 am »
Time for my own introduction.

I am a late twenties Asian American male. My quest for health began since several several years ago when I suffered severe depression. I hit rock bottom and came back from the verge of death. Over a few years I recovered using nutrition and lifestyle changes. Mentally I came back stronger and more focused than my predepression days. Fortunately or unfortunately I developed a fairly severe form of acne and other strange skin problems. This drove me to search for cure by researching all manners pertaining to health. Especially diet. Up until half of my college days I ate total crap, and had been put on a mountain-load of poisonous antidepressants, it was no wonder I crashed the way I did. In addition, I had severe dental deformities that were "corrected" by a orthodontist who pulled 4 teeth out and used braces to ultimately shrink my palate from its genetic potential. Probably relating to my overall lifestyle I developed pretty bad myopia, which I still have to this day.

Today, my skin problems are not AS bad as in the past. I do have many scars on my face and body but they are healing. Compared to my earlier days when I self-diagnosed myself as a pre-diabetic I have come very very far. Chronic disease is a puzzle that continually needs to be worked on before you can solve it. My puzzle is fairly complete today. But improving my own health has become a hobby of mine. And really, why shouldn't it be every person's hobby? Investing in your own health (as well as others) pays the greatest dividends in life.

In the midst of my continual quest for ultimate health, I came across NCR and its related subjects through Plato's website. I then also found this forum and also Ben's site. After taking in the material and couple with my readings of Weston Price I became more aware of peoples faces. The architecture and symmetry were something I had not paid attention to before. I am amazed at how the face really reflects a person's health status. Beautiful faces are a reflection of great health. I noticed my own asymmetries in my own face for the first time. Or maybe I knew of it all along but was unconsciously ignoring it. Whatever the case, I plan to dive head first into this new world of cranial restructuring. I want to see if it can improve my facial symmetry and lead me to a better hormonal pattern. Maybe this will this lead to improvements in my skin condition? I want to see if this modality can live up to the claims it makes. I want to see if I can apply to to other people eventually to make a difference in their health. Improving the health of other people is a passion for me and I am applying to medical school.

The internet is a wondrous place to communicate with other people in a way we cannot physically. In person I am a very open communicator. That being said, I have left out many details about my background for my own protection. I may or may not post censored pictures of myself as progress reports.

Excited to meet others who are on a similar journey navigating the world of NCR, FP, and palate expansion!