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Messages - Jaw Breaker

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Hi Guys, not sure if anyone has already posted this but theres a new product on the market called Jawzrsize, it builds stronger jaws and wider faces in just 30mins a day!
check it out

couple this with Mewing and I'm sure you'll get awesome results.

Cranial Restructuring / cranio-sacral-reflexology
« on: October 26, 2017, 03:09:39 pm »
What do you think of this guys? perhaps a safer version of NCR??
have a good read of it and let me know your thoughts.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 13, 2017, 10:57:37 pm »
Yea I work but I'm forking out for Damon braces currently, I'm very please with what they've done for my smile but, the homeoblock seems to do so much for for the face, I've even seen case where its brought the Maxilla up and forwards!
That is interesting that your jaw may be expanding! when are you due to have your brace removed?

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 13, 2017, 03:58:04 pm »

The above link kind of describes what I'm trying to achieve through my diet. just wish I could get my hands on the homeoblock appliance!!

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 13, 2017, 11:57:05 am »
Thats amazing about that fruit :) I'll definitely try and read up about it, maybe theres something about it in one of my herbal books.
Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like all I ate was kefir and liver lol. I just try and incorporate them in my daily diet.
I have a kefir smoothie with strawberries, mango and banana every morning, I also put ghee and coconut oil in the smoothie along with flax seeds.
For lunch I like poached eggs on sprouted rye bread with salad and mashed avocado.
dinner is usually a large helping of steamed veggies with either salmon, sardines, beef or liver. 
I melt goats butter over my veggies as I'm lacto intolerant and also I'm gluten intolerant. I wreaked my stomach lining as a kid and ended up with leaky gut so have to be very careful what I eat or I start to feel very lousy and depressed and get cavities in my teeth but thankfully the diet I try to stick to heals my teeth up nicely. especially the bone broth! if you make it right it can taste very yummy and its comforting during the winter months.
Although I enjoy the food I eat I tend to self sabotage and binge on stuff thats high in sugar and other crap for weeks on end and start to feel really ill, I think it has something to do with my depression, I think thats why I let myself down. 
That sounds like a neat trick to try on the liver, I could try it with raw milk as raw milk doesn't seem to effect my stomach to badly.
Do you live in the states then? I'm from the uk.
Are you familiar with A vogel? he wrote a book called the nature doctor, you would enjoy that book. lots of lost knowledge in book including the cure for cancer.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 12, 2017, 04:00:40 pm »
My health practitioner gives me a mix up of clove and wormwood for parasites.
I use Dr Vogel milk thistle complex tinture every morning in warm water with lemon but when I've ever done a proper detox I usually follow one of the Jason Vales juice masters plans, I particularly like the 30 day clear skin plan as it gives me lots of energy. I haven't done a detox in a few years tho. Currently I'm just making sure to eat things like liver, bone broth, raw milk kefir and sauerkraut.
I've only been doing this for about two weeks tho so haven't seen any massive improvement as of yet, I struggle to stick to healthy eating lol.
So what is it about wormwood that reminds you of home? lol. I can only take about 15 drops in about a pint of water.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 12, 2017, 02:49:13 pm »
Blimey, bet that made you choke!  :P

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 12, 2017, 02:08:41 pm »
It isn't really my theory, like I said, a Dr whose website I was reading, he was the one that claimed that his face became more 'square shaped' over time following a healthy diet free of anything that could hinder healing. Unfortunately I can no longer find his website or i would share the link with you. He was a out of the box thinker to say the least, he preached that things like fapping are really bad for us and now there is a whole 'No Fap' movement thats gaining popularity. before that, refraining from fapping was only thought of as a bible thing and no one knew the health benefits of not fapping. Sorry if any of the above is offensive! I just want to make a point that this Doc knew his stuff.
Sorry to hear you have back trouble! have you ever heard of  bowen therapy? it's amazing for back problems and pain in the body. but you will need to find a practitioner.
and seriously??? you lost a balloon up your nose?? oh my gosh! thats crazy!  ???

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Expansion from endonasal/NCR alone?
« on: September 12, 2017, 09:55:41 am »
Hi there,
I remember watching a video on YouTube where a man was being treated for migraines by a NCR practitioner and after so many months of treatment the practitioner compared his before and after X-ray and commented, you now have a wider smile to boot!
Also, maybe you can do some tongue exercises like the ones myofunctional therapist use? often people get expansion from good tongue posture over a period of time.
I hope this proves helpful.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 12, 2017, 09:46:13 am »
 That is very interesting, thank you.
Your cheeks have definitely filled out for sure, you look healthy and 'stocky' as we say.
But I definitely think your bone structure has adjusted judging from your eyes and jaw shape.
You used to do self NCR didn't you? how did you learn to do it to yourself? I've attempted it a few times, I'm very careful when I'm trying it. I'm planning to start again next week.

As for your nose, I too noticed my nose slimmed down after detoxing so your use of herbs is probably the reason it's changed as you say.
Well done again  ;D

Cranial Restructuring / Re: Recent progress
« on: September 12, 2017, 12:07:36 am »
Hey, looking good :)
This makes me think of Weston A Price and his studies, I know Mr Mew blames oral posture as the only reason for bad teeth and that DR price was wrong but I beg to differ.
I've been looking in to 'eating for your genes or gene expression' lately and how healthy eating gives us a healthy gene expression and moves us closer to our fullest potential. I totally believe this is the reason Dr price seen such a stark contrast between those who ate their ancestors diets and those who ate 'white man foods'.
During my reasearch I came across a site that was produced by a 'natural Doctor' and he claimed that a certain type of eating changed his face and that his face because a more desirable square shape. almost like he skull 'unwound' from correct eating much like it does when having NCR. Eating good foods helps the body release old traumas.
To me, it appears that your maxilla may have come up and forwards a little, your eyes are more level, your nose appears thinner and your lips look fuller as well as your jaw looks more sqaure. well done on your progress.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: NCR and flu like symptoms?
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:38:33 am »
Great idea, thanks.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: NCR and flu like symptoms?
« on: August 08, 2017, 11:59:31 pm »
The fever has broken this morning thankfully. I did look up NCR and feeling ill afterwards and I found that with chiropractic adjustments or even after NCR you can expect to feel ill afterwards as you body will dump a load of toxics into your blood afterwards. apparently 20% of people come down will undesirable symptoms. this article goes into more detail

Cranial Restructuring / Re: NCR and flu like symptoms?
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:01:03 pm »
Ok I'm never doing ncr again, I'm over heating and my heart is beating like crazy.

Cranial Restructuring / Re: NCR and flu like symptoms?
« on: August 08, 2017, 01:01:40 pm »
I used a brand new balloon and string etc.  :-\

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